Heart Health

While some risk factors for heart disease are genetic, many are within your control.  The real culprit of heart disease is chronic inflammation, which is often triggered by factors such as chronic stress (by way of chemical, physical or emotional stress), poor diet, lack of exercise and toxins (like smoking and alcohol). This is because chronic inflammation destabilizes cholesterol deposits in the coronary arteries, leading to heart attacks and potentially even strokes. In this ebook we will help you understand what cholesterol is, its role in the body, what contributes to high cholesterol, the differences between LDL and HDL, and why stress & inflammation are the true culprits. We will give you easy nutritional and lifestyle changes to make for a happy and healthy heart.


About Dr. Pete Sulack

Dr. Pete actively serves patients at his wellness clinic, Redeem Health, who travel from around the world seeking his services, validating his unique approach to health and wellness. His studies on the effects of stress, Roadmap to Resilience, and Redeem Health protocols, coupled with testimonials from patients and attention in medical communities have garnered him as one of “America’s Leading Stress Experts.”

Unmanaged and accumulated stress is at the root of most illness and disease — your body is fearfully and wonderfully made to adapt to its environment and recover from the stresses of surviving life. But what happens when your body becomes overwhelmed by these stresses? Dr. Pete's desire is to show people how to treat the real problem (STRESS!) and not the symptoms — in this case, heart disease!